English Premier League clubs use fake followers to increase popularity!

A report revealed that all official English Premier League club accounts had fake followers on the “Instagram” social networking site.

The report prepared by the English “CasinoGuardian”, using an online data analysis tool, revealed the presence of a percentage of fake followers in all official accounts of “Premier League” clubs on the “Instagram” application.

The report revealed that Bournemouth is the team with the highest percentage of fake followers, and that 36.12% of the club’s followers are fake.

The report indicates that 13 English Premier League clubs have a fake follower rate of more than 25%, or more than a quarter of the number of followers.

Manchester United is one of the teams with the lowest percentage of fake followers on “Instagram”, as it ranks 18th in the list, with 22.52% of fake followers, however, given the large number of followers of the Red Devils of 61.5 million followers, this is equivalent to 13.8 million followers. placebo.

Arsenal club exceeds the percentage of fake followers in its account on “Instagram” 25.2%, and it comes in 13th place in the list, followed by Chelsea with 24.71%, followed by Manchester City and then Liverpool with 24.35% and 22.89% of fake followers, respectively.

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