The death of Silvio Berlusconi, president of the historic AC Milan and owner of Monza

The Italian news agency confirmed the death of Silvio Berlusconi, the former Italian prime minister, the historic president of AC Milan, and the current owner of Monza.

Confirmations of the Italian news agency came after the news published by the newspaper “Corriere dello Sport”, which initially revealed Berlusconi’s death.

Berlusconi, who died at the age of 86, was admitted to the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan 4 days ago, but he had already spent several weeks before that in the hospital due to his health condition.

The current owner of Monza club suffered from respiratory distress due to pneumonia, and had to be transferred to intensive care.

Berlusconi’s condition was later diagnosed with chronic leukemia, but his condition improved until he returned home, before rapidly deteriorating in the last hours.

In the past days, the former Milan club president was transferred again to San Raffaele Hospital, and in the early hours of Monday morning, June 12, his condition worsened until he died.

Berlusconi has acquired Monza since 2018, and within 4 years he led the club to qualify for the Italian League, to achieve the historic eleventh place in its first year in “Serie A”.

As for Milan, during the 31 years of leadership of the “Rossoneri”, Berlusconi managed to win 31 domestic and international titles, making the Lombardy team the most successful club in the world for some time.

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